
Home  /   RTSP,RealPlayer,Windows Media,Livestation Protocol

Introduction of RTSP,RealPlayer,Windows Media,Livestation

The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), is a protocol for use in streaming media systems which allow a client to remotely control a streaming media server, issuing VCR-like commands such as "play" and "pause", and allowing time-based access to files on a server.

Protocol Summary and Ports Range of RTSP,RealPlayer,Windows Media,Livestation

RTSP uses TCP and UDP port 554 by default. If the default port is unavailable, it will change to other ports(for example: port 80).

WFilter's solution for RTSP,RealPlayer,Windows Media,Livestation traffic management

  • Detect RTSP,RealPlayer,Windows Media,Livestation traffic in your network.
  • Implement a policy to block certain RTSP,RealPlayer,Windows Media,Livestation traffic.
  • Real-time application launching alert of RTSP,RealPlayer,Windows Media,Livestation.
  • Monitor RTSP,RealPlayer,Windows Media,Livestation 's real-time bandwidth.
  • More

Products Supported by WFilter

  • Livestation (   Up to version "3.2.0"   )
  • Windows Mediaplayer (   Up to version "11"   )
  • Realplayer (   Up to version ""   )

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