
Home  /   IRC Chat Protocol

Introduction of IRC Chat

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a form of real-time Internet chat or synchronous conferencing. It is mainly designed for group (many-to-many) communication. It is an open protocol that uses TCP and optionally SSL.

Protocol Summary and Ports Range of IRC Chat

IRC uses TCP protocol to communicate on default port 6667. It can also to connect to other TCP ports if TCP port 6667 is blocked.

WFilter's solution for IRC Chat traffic management

  • Detect IRC Chat traffic in your network.
  • Implement a policy to block certain IRC Chat traffic.
  • Real-time application launching alert of IRC Chat.
  • Monitor IRC Chat 's real-time bandwidth.
  • More

Products Supported by WFilter

  • MIrc (   Up to version "7.29"   )

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